Fair Housing Cases
Included in this section of the webpage will be landmark cases related to the federally protected classes. This includes cases related to: Race, Religion, Color, Disability, Marital Status, Familial Status, and National Origin.
Race Cases
A socially created category of people based on shared physical features, culture, or ancestry.
Discrimination based on race is still the most common form of housing discrimination.
Cases coming soon
Color Cases
Refers to the amount of pigment in a person’s skin.
Cases coming soon
Religion Cases
A sincere and meaningful belief.
Cases coming soon
Disability Cases
A person who has or with a history of a physical or mental impairment which significantly limits their major life activities.
Marital Status Cases
Cases coming soon
Familial Status Cases
Protects families with biological, adopted, foster children, and pregnant women.
Cases coming soon
National Origin Cases
The nation that you or your family comes from.
Cases coming soon